- Store trial
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- Tuesday Pre-K Farm School 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Tuesday Pre-K Farm School 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
9:30 - 12:30 drop off only ages 3 and up
$45, siblings $20 (email me about sibling discounts)
Farm work and play, nature adventure, art, horseback riding, gardening with longer tasks and projects for a preschool attention span. We will have a learning activity / lesson each day.
Together, we will:
*experience the rhythm of farm life and start each day with chores and greeting the animals
*work together to care for ponies, goats, chickens, pigs every day
*spend all three class hours outside
*learn about farm life and nature with hands-on activities in the garden, orchard, and the natural world
*learn about nature's timeline with activities that are in tune with the seasons
*enjoy healthy, whole food snacks, as much from the farm as possible