Open yourself up to the skies and community on the eve of the Summer Solstice. This is an opportunity to soak up the sun’s brightest day of the year by surrounding yourself with women who yearn for a camp to call their own! Get away from your *To DO* list, the caregiving of others and pressures from work by joining our gathering of women to share in the communion of farm and nature together. We have such a lovely treat of treasures planned for the evening including, critter connections, horseback riding, culinary creations, art journey, and finishing up with drumming and singing around the bonfire. Feed your soul and listen to the whispers of your heart. You deserve this!
Registration is open for our first ever Women's Camp --grab a girlfriend and join us on the farm!
Open yourself up to the skies and community on the eve of the Summer Solstice. This is an opportunity to soak up the sun’s brightest day of the year by surrounding yourself with women who yearn for a camp to call their own! Get away from your *To DO* list, the caregiving of others and pressures from work by joining our gathering of women to share in the communion of farm and nature together. We have such a lovely treat of treasures planned for the evening including, critter connections, horseback riding, culinary creations, art journey, and finishing up with drumming and singing around the bonfire. Feed your soul and listen to the whispers of your heart. You deserve this!
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Allison is like part of the family here at Laughing Buck Farm and we wanted to capture some of her essence to honor who she is to us! Our farm blogger Dawn wrote this beautiful post and at the end you'll find a video interview by Jasper. Allison, I am so proud of the strong, knowledgeable and passionate cowgirl you are and cherish the connections you have made with the horses and the community. Congratulations girl, and I wish you all the best as you graduate next week. Can't wait to see where life takes you! ~FarmHer Rosemary I am writing today about a blossom that has been growing in our families’ gardens. Her name is Allison. This young lady first made her appearance as a sprite sprout that bounced around with her bright smile and has cast her light like sunshine everywhere she went. Today, she is still doing so, though this time her light is more like a flickering fire that warms you as she shares her heart’s desires about life. Allison’s passions revolve around horses and helping others. Ever since Allison was little, she’s loved animals. I’ve never seen her without a critter in her arms, her face against the fur of a four-legged friend or a squeal of joy coming out of this girl’s mouth from the cuteness of what she’s witnessing from a fluffy creature. Allison’s sweetness permeates from her cells and animals trust her. Focusing on what she loves, which is mainly horses, Allison has created a daily life that keeps her surrounded by equines! In the beginning, she started her journey by taking riding lessons and leasing a pony / best friend named Ginger. As she grew and as her horse skills grew, she has continued her learning by getting involved with 4H, which she has now proudly earned the title role of President. She also joined FFA, Future Farmers of America which helped her to attain the knowledge and respect that it takes to be successful in the farming industry which ranges from the monetary demands, as well as the labor involved and how technology has played a role. That path naturally took her straight into the loving arms of Laughing Buck Farm where she asked to be trained as an intern. She worked at LBF every week, rain or shine, learning horse care, helping with injured horses, teaching the horses tricks and helping with desensitizing and training. I asked Allison what her favorite chore at LBF was and she whole-heartedly without pause announced, “MUCKING! I love having manure on my boots! It means that the horses are happy, healthy and I’ve got a job.” Her words: “Horses are my spirit animal. I understand them. I look into their eyes and we connect. They trust me and know that they have me. They have me as a friend and an ally. I can hear what they are thinking and they can hear what I am thinking. I know that sounds weird. I don’t care. The horses need me and I need them. That’s all that counts when we are together.” Connection. Allison has an innate ability to connect, not only to animals but also to humans! She’s like a magnet. Curious kiddos are drawn to her, intrigued teachers are lured to her and parents of those curious kiddos gravitate towards her because of her authentic personality. She has a positive attitude and energy that doesn't cease. Allison is dedicated to learning, to guiding and to finding answers. I asked her what has been her greatest aspirations in life. Here they are: "Meeting Temple Grand, in person. She’s amazing and I want to be like her." "My grandmother. She always believed in me and always calmed me. When I am with the animals, I can hear her talking to me. I feel her. The horses know and sense that calm in me because of my grandmother." "My mother, Rose Lew-Poff. That woman is why I am here today. She has been there during my roughest times and we have made it together, through my dramas, my insecurities. She never stops loving me. She never stops pushing me to be my best. My mother is my hero. It doesn't matter what she is enduring, this woman has a kind of strength that I want to have. She made it through cancer and the death of her own mother while continuing to be strong enough to take care of our family. She's my hero and the strongest person that I know." Allison graduates this year. She’s leaving us. She is on somewhat of a rite of passage. These roads of experience take her to the next phase of learning, wherever and whatever that may be…to something grand and enriching. Her emotions about her future are sprinkled with anxiety, trepidation and excitement of what's to come. She’s choosing to make a difference in her life by seeking to continue her education that will always involve some form of nurturing others, both animals and humans. This world is a better place by having her in it, showering her environments with delight! Allison's smile and joie de vivre is contagious, it’s something that you want to take with you and hold it in your hands. We will. She’ll always be imprinted in our hearts and we’ll embrace our sweet girl each time we get to wrap our arms around her when she visits. Thank you, Allison…we love you. xoxo ~Dawn Want to hear about Allison's internship experience? Check out the video below. We've had a stretch of misty, rainy days... the kind of days that inspire one to settle in with a poem as the drops pitter-patter on the panes and petals. Enjoy this collection by guest blogger, Dawn. There Will Come Soft Rain by Sara Teasdale There will come soft rain and the smell of the ground, And swallows circling with their shimmering sound; And frogs in the pools singing at night, And wild plum trees in tremulous white; Robins will wear their feathery fire, Whistling their whims on a low fence-wire; And not one will know of the war, not one Will care at last when it is done. Not one would mind, neither bird nor tree, If mankind perished utterly; And Spring herself, when she woke at dawn Would scarcely know that we were gone.
The Rain by William Henry Davies I hear leaves drinking rain; I hear rich leaves on top Giving the poor beneath Drop after drop; 'Tis a sweet noise to hear These green leaves drinking near. And when the Sun comes out, After this Rain shall stop, A wondrous Light will fill Each dark, round drop; I hope the Sun shines bright; 'Twill be a lovely sight.
Morning Rain by Du Fu A slight rain comes, bathed in dawn light. I hear it among treetop leaves before mist Arrives. Soon it sprinkles the soil and, Windblown, follows clouds away. Deepened Colors grace thatch homes for a moment. Flocks and herds of things wild glisten Faintly. Then the scent of musk opens across Half a mountain -- and lingers on past noon. Dawn Renée Markley-Webster writes about the savory and sweet spices of life by finding beauty amidst the chaos of our world. She's a visionary of Possibility. Seeing challenges as opportunities to discover strengths, she seeks resources for turning yearnings into realities. Dawn is a soul whisperer who engages in listening to the voices of our hearts, encouraging us to nourish our souls with enriching bites of whatever makes us sigh blissfully or squeal with excitement. Reclaim what brings you contentment. A mother of 3 whose passions run deep for community, cooking, culture, teaching and rhythm making. You can follow along in her meanderings, where she dwells and within her own abode by going to:
The Many Facets of Charlie, Laughing Buck Farm's Colorful Cowgirl Charlie identifies herself as an Artist & Horseback Rider. Charlie also identifies herself as a Craiglist Addict, her motto, “Find the gold in the trash.” At the time of finding her GOLDEN employment opportunity at Laughing Buck Farm, she was currently cleaning her way through school as Maid Service when she came home one day to check her email and found the gem that she had been looking for. There, on Craigslist, was a position for: “Farmhand @ Laughing Buck Farm!” It was the prime example of finding a piece of gold in a pile of rubbish and she just *knew* that she had to act QUICKLY to capture her dream. What is Charlie’s dream? Charlie has been daydreaming since she was 7 years old about riding horses. This woman was “horse crazy” since about 7-15 years of her sweet childhood! She has had experience with horses, Blaze & Born, her thoroughbreds with this undying love. Her family is known as ‘city folk’ without any farm or livestock experience. Being able to have this opportunity at L.B.F. has been surreal and left her flabbergasted! Charlie truly feels that working with the Jedel-Graff family has been a gift for not only her future employment but also for her soul. Rosemary has been a teacher, a role model, to living life to its fullest. After spending six months on the Laughing Buck Farm, she is still in a state of shock at the beautiful opportunity that she has had with living on the farm. Not only has she had the experience of being in the presence of livestock and learning how to manage it, she’s also had the gift of having a person who mentors her be completely nonjudgmental about her own personal needs and desires! As iterated earlier in this post, Charlie identifies herself as an Artist. Rosemary has embraced this creative side of her farmhand by allowing Charlie the space to CREATE. This colorful farmhand has also expressed a need to heal…Charlie needed to heal with treatment from a lifelong emotional/physical debilitating disorder of depression & anxiety. She allowed her the time and space to heal on the farm as well as support her with achieving her G.E.D. One thing that Charlie wanted me to make clear to the community who reads this: “Everyone says how lucky this family is to be able to live on a farm and work on it. Well, it’s hard. There is no getting away from the work. Just because they go inside to spend time with their family, it doesn’t mean that their work is done and that they can turn off being owners of a company. They are still *working* even when they go indoors. They have livestock to raise, gardens to till and hens to fetch eggs from, let alone emails to return on their computers. They don’t have downtime. They have a passion for the life that they live, the hard work and also having a family of humans to raise.” Why is Charlie leaving your ask? Well, she has the opportunity to pursue her education in Arizona and pursue her love of time spent with horses! Charlie is moving forward with moving out of state to extend her learning by continuing her education in Equine Assisted Therapy. When is her last day at Laughing Buck Farm? It is May 5th, Cinco de Mayo! Let’s celebrate Charlie and the colorful personality that she has brought to the community. We will miss her vibrant personality! This describes Charlie and what our wishes are for her future: Sassafras Elements: “Charlie, what are your aspirations for your future?” Charlie: “Well, what I see right now in front of me. I yearn for a 1:30 p.m. full dressage gear on, my horse ready to go and having a relaxing afternoon stroll without a care in the world. That is happiness to me." Dawn Renée Markley-Webster writes about the savory and sweet spices of life by finding beauty amidst the chaos of our world. She's a visionary of Possibility. Seeing challenges as opportunities to discover strengths, she seeks resources for turning yearnings into realities. Dawn is a soul whisperer who engages in listening to the voices of our hearts, encouraging us to nourish our souls with enriching bites of whatever makes us sigh blissfully or squeal with excitement. Reclaim what brings you contentment. A mother of 3 whose passions run deep for community, cooking, culture, teaching and rhythm making. You can follow along in her meanderings, where she dwells and within her own abode by going to:
Farm Happenings!You might find news of staff and critters, tasty recipes, outdoor teaching tips, cool quotes, gardening ideas, and a window into life here at Laughing Buck Farm. ~FarmHer Rosemary Archives
September 2019