The Many Facets of Charlie, Laughing Buck Farm's Colorful Cowgirl
Charlie also identifies herself as a Craiglist Addict, her motto, “Find the gold in the trash.” At the time of finding her GOLDEN employment opportunity at Laughing Buck Farm, she was currently cleaning her way through school as Maid Service when she came home one day to check her email and found the gem that she had been looking for. There, on Craigslist, was a position for: “Farmhand @ Laughing Buck Farm!” It was the prime example of finding a piece of gold in a pile of rubbish and she just *knew* that she had to act QUICKLY to capture her dream.
What is Charlie’s dream? Charlie has been daydreaming since she was 7 years old about riding horses. This woman was “horse crazy” since about 7-15 years of her sweet childhood! She has had experience with horses, Blaze & Born, her thoroughbreds with this undying love.
Her family is known as ‘city folk’ without any farm or livestock experience. Being able to have this opportunity at L.B.F. has been surreal and left her flabbergasted! Charlie truly feels that working with the Jedel-Graff family has been a gift for not only her future employment but also for her soul. Rosemary has been a teacher, a role model, to living life to its fullest. After spending six months on the Laughing Buck Farm, she is still in a state of shock at the beautiful opportunity that she has had with living on the farm. Not only has she had the experience of being in the presence of livestock and learning how to manage it, she’s also had the gift of having a person who mentors her be completely nonjudgmental about her own personal needs and desires!
One thing that Charlie wanted me to make clear to the community who reads this:
“Everyone says how lucky this family is to be able to live on a farm and work on it. Well, it’s hard. There is no getting away from the work. Just because they go inside to spend time with their family, it doesn’t mean that their work is done and that they can turn off being owners of a company. They are still *working* even when they go indoors. They have livestock to raise, gardens to till and hens to fetch eggs from, let alone emails to return on their computers. They don’t have downtime. They have a passion for the life that they live, the hard work and also having a family of humans to raise.”
When is her last day at Laughing Buck Farm? It is May 5th, Cinco de Mayo! Let’s celebrate Charlie and the colorful personality that she has brought to the community. We will miss her vibrant personality!
This describes Charlie and what our wishes are for her future:
Sassafras Elements: “Charlie, what are your aspirations for your future?”
Charlie: “Well, what I see right now in front of me. I yearn for a 1:30 p.m. full dressage gear on, my horse ready to go and having a relaxing afternoon stroll without a care in the world. That is happiness to me."